Challenges? What challenges? Check out my last painting...

There are so many times in life when I feel I know where I am headed. Invariably these moments are interspersed with challenges that make me stop and take notice of what is going on in the present moment. Sometimes these challenges are built up and have a longer lasting effect. That is when I know there is something for me to learn.

I had one of these moments recently. It really caught me by surprise and I wasn’t too sure where it came from or how to deal with it. Unfortunately, even though weeks have passed I am still as confused and lost. I guess I am just inviting an answer, a solution or a revelation to help me move beyond this challenge.

So while my mind and my heart have been preoccupied I have been painting (yes I paint too!) and that brings me comfort.

May you find what comforts you no matter the challenges you encounter.


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