The calm before the storm?

So now that I am well over my writers block I am wondering, "Is this the calm before the storm?" I have written 5 new tunes in the last 30 days and always have ideas for more (but not always time to write them. What is this obsession with projects?) I have this incredible feeling that I had better hold on to my hat. Marc and I are planning to do an initial recording of our material over the next few months. A voice keeps telling me to do more rather than less. "Be prepared for what is on its way." 

I am the kind of person that always manages to weather a storm because I plan and I prepare. I much prefer to put thought into something before hand rather than have to backtrack later.  Marc is always impressed by this. (Good thing I say! :) So I sit at my computer everyday going through the checklist of steps along the way. I look at where we are going, what we need to do and what we invite into our lives.

This being said stay tuned and keep checking with us because audio tracks will be avaialble soon and we'll want to hear from you.



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