Writer's Block

I think I am experiencing writer's block. It's not that I don't have anything to write about but more like there are so many thoughts and ideas going around in my head like some kind of cerebral tornado that I can't see where to go until it stops and the dust settles.

Sometimes I paint, because painting frees me from my thoughts. I have often found that a manual task is very liberating: gardening, cooking, doing dishes. Being in execution mode frees my mind. I go to a place where I let the thoughts come back to me and listen to my mind. Quiet has to come first.

Maybe my writers block is getting better now. Apparently literary venting is working too. Some days I wish I had made different choices in life because some things would be easier in my present day situation. I don't believe in regretting what we can not change. There is no point. There is not much point in feeling guilty either. So if there is something to learn from all this, my mind is calmer and I am listening.

Happy listening to you too!

