If I were the mother of invention...

 A few weeks ago the teacher at school asked, “What three inventions that exist today do you wish you had invented?” You can imagine what type of conversation this sparked in the classroom and subsequently in the neighboring homes at dinner time. So I started to think about this myself. In a world so full of technology choices seem endless. Here is what I chose.

Written words. I love the precision and vastness of language. I love what it allows us to express and convey. Communication is essential in society and expression of our thoughts, for me, even more-so. I think the written word allows us to connect within and that is a primordial step in connecting with others.

My MacBook. I can put a record of my life in there. In this relatively small box I have my writing, photos, movies, letters, music I listen to and music I write, thoughts, correspondence, and on and on. I built my website with it. When Marc is far away I speak to him with my computer, write songs with him even. I also use my computer to manipulate images which become works of visual art. What a great invention!

Last, but certainly not least, would have to be an instrument. Oh but which one to choose? I love so many! The piano offers such a colorful range of possibilities. The drums solicit a connection with rhythm and our own heartbeat. A guitar, and there alone the diversity is astounding!, can be soothing or exciting, even raw. To me a cello is so rich, full of tone and full of elegance. But certainly it is obvious to me the instrument whose sound stirs me most is the bass, particularly the upright bass. I love the feel of its vibration and my life is filled with a great joy when I can meld my voice with the rich dark tone that I adore.

For the record, my daughter picked in order: the book, the bed and venetian blinds. What a girl! Happy inventing :)


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