When you wish upon a star

“Every once in a while, people need to be in the presence of things that are really far away.” - Ian Frazier


Have you ever been at a cottage in the summer,out on a big rock or a dock, or lying back in a boat at night just staring at the sky. It is such a humbling experience. When I look up at all those stars, Suns of other worlds, I feel very small. It sure is a different take on things...


Ian Frazier must be a stargazer. How else can we explain this fascinating insight? (Great word btw: insight = sight in) It is that forest for the trees thing. When we are busy looking at the details we might miss the big picture altogether. When you watch a movie I hope you are not looking at the pixels on the screen. In your life are you seeing the story or are you looking at the furniture, the costumes and the props? It is so easy to run through our lives and the daily details we tend to and forget to see our life’s story as it unfolds. Lately my personal mission is to live in the moment. To enjoy the moment and the people who are in that moment with me. I can let go of the planning. I can relax a bit on the desire to always be one step ahead. Happiness is now. Everything manages to get done and get fed.


Somehow looking out at those stars makes time stand still. There’s just me and the stars out there. I feel more connected with myself and I like it. I like it a lot!






This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you! All photos by Bianca Pittoors unless noted otherwise. 


Bianca Pittoors & Marc Langis are Bianca Basso. Creators of original music with a vintage flavor, they are distinctive in their contemporary style.

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