The path to being a good musician

“If you strive to be a good human being with the qualities of generosity, humility and having a reverence for life, just maybe you’ll become a great musician.”
- Charlie Haden, Lifetime Achievement Recipient 2013 Grammy Awards

Obviously Charlie understands the essentials in life. The beauty in art comes in our ability to sublimate some of life’s experiences. That means we have a conscious connection to our experiences. So where does that take us?

My life as an artist has provided ongoing opportunities to test my faith. It has also been filled with occasions for humility. There is a difference between life as an artist and life as a “star.” That is the ego part of the equation. I think it is possible to be a star and still be an artist; one does not negate the other necessarily. However the process for each is different. The artist’s process is about connecting with their humanity. The result should be that we are overflowing into the works that we produce. There are so many times when what I have written or even what I have painted have come from such a deep place that I cry. I would be unable to explain it in any other way. We are just the messengers after all.

Having a reverence for life is very good advice indeed. I would definitely call a philosophy like that a lifetime achievement.



This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you!

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