Let me look that up.

“...we must face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” Albus Dumbledore, J.K. Rowling

This is my quote today because I am sitting in my dining room doing my homework. I did start my day with a long bike ride but no kayaking till I am done. No outing later until I am done. No martinis, no bubbly... OMG! What have I done? :)


I have spent the week getting my head crammed with informa

tion. Business courses and a course on laws in the workplace and all I can say is thank God for my communications course. I think. Well it is all so very fascinating. I have fears. I wonder if I will be able to remember everything. I was sharp as a tack when I was 20. I am no longer 20 so it does tug at me a little. If you can image, I spent my Friday night reading my new French grammatical dictionary. French grammar being one of my most detested subjects throughout my school years. No the most detested. Well there I was, with Marc, reading about verbs and conjugating and all that stuff. I imagine I have just shattered your image of us being wild jet-setters partying all the time. All I have to say about that is, “There is a time and a place for everything.”


I can see that all of my experience in business and my background as a musician are big pluses. I think I will just keep my focus, stay on top of my homework and see what happens. Wish me luck! 






This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you! All photos by Bianca Pittoors unless noted otherwise. 


Bianca Pittoors & Marc Langis are Bianca Basso. Creators of original music with a vintage flavor, they are distinctive in their contemporary style.

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