Just do it! Apparently the recipe for success.

“Successful people do what others know they should do but will not. To become a success, or just be *more* successful, you will do what average, less-motivated people will not.”
Chalene Johnson, author of PUSH

We all know what we need to do every day: sleep, drink lots of water, eat right, exercise, perform at our jobs, stay on top of our game, etc. Then why is it sometimes we don’t? Even the most disciplined people I know are disciplined in certain areas but every one of them has parts of their lives where that does not apply. Why? Is it discipline if we really like practicing 3-4 hours a day? Is it dedication if going to the gym is more appealing than chasing dust bunnies? Is the law of the lesser evil coming into play?

I have long believed that we can change of physical states by changing our mindset. What else is true is that changing our physical states also changes our mindset. I go to the gym every day. At the Florida Fitness in Aylmer, where I workout, there are a group of body building women who train every day. They walk in with a smile. They are beautiful, feminine, happy and as I hamster my way through my cardio I am inspired by them. I see them work harder. I look at them and I see myself soon. Not that my goal is to be a body builder but my goal is to be fit and healthy. At the gym I see the result of the healthy body, healthy mind. In the beginning I would just get up put my workout clothes on and go to the gym. It still requires a commitment on my part but less than it did at the start. Now I go every day and it is changing me.

I changed my routine and my routine is changing me. Little by little, I am finding enjoyment and satisfaction in choosing to be there. Today when I was done I walked passed Meagan at the counter and I said, “I win!” My response to her quizzical look was, “Every time I work hard at something I know I am a winner. Remember we must be winners on the inside first.



This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you!

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