Where is your truth?

“In the space between your thoughts, there is your truth.”
Reuben Lowe

What do you believe in? I mean really, what are those things, or thoughts or principles that you cling to no matter what? We all have them. I hope we all have them! Have you ever taken a look at what you believe in to see where it has taken you?

I got into a rather heated discussion over one of the two taboo subjects for a cozy post-dinner Sunday night: religion (not politics). Actually if you are a reader, you have surely concluded that I am a spiritualist. I have spent the almost all of my adult life studying varied philosophies and through my ability to think for myself, have found my way. I am always open to discovering and learning as I believe that is what we are here to do: learn. Sometimes when I share my ideas, people hear what they interpret, not what I say, and then jump to conclusions and fiery “discussions” may ensue. One of my earliest frustrations as a child was to be misinterpreted. So still today I am very careful about the words I choose. I am very aware of my intention when I express myself. I also listen. Like my mom did with us when I was a young, I make room for the possibility that I could learn something new.

Maybe I write so I can say what I want to say without being interrupted. Here in the anonymity provided by my computer, I share my thoughts. If you misinterpret them, or judge them, I do not know. I do know that my truth has come from careful reflection and I keep following my desire to keep learning.



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