Breathe through the beauty

“You have to, take a deep breath, and allow the music to flow through you. Revel in it, allow yourself to awe. When you play allow the music to break your heart with its beauty.”
― Kelly White

We had a rehearsal today in preparation for our recording in February. We had all been away from the material for a month so it was good to take a fresh look at the tune list. I realized how much I love our songs. Our last composition is the toughest to sing because it is so beautiful that my heart is often overwhelmed.

Writing, be it a blog and book or a song, is such a transforming experience. I find when I am in the creative process a higher power takes over. Inspiration comes: a flash or idea...before you know what is happening a shape takes form from the tips of your fingers. There are moments, when looking at the completed pieces, that I am truly humbled.

My wish for you today is that you find a piece of music, or a poem, or a painting. Sit. Allow yourself to be submersed in the beauty that unfolds before you. Go deep, over and over. The music that can break your heart also has the power to heal it. So go ahead, invite it in.



P.S I can’t wait for you to hear our music either!

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