Closing the distance

“Love is more than about distance, it's about emotions.” ― Yannick Heywang


As happens almost every time Marc goes away, since he goes away for long periods of time, I am asked how we manage it. I have found a way to fold distance and time. My own way of course.


To put it simply, I write. I recommend that anyone who has to spend time apart from people they love do the same. If you did, you would find that every time you write you must bring yourself closer to them. Now, you can write a number of things in a number of ways. I write cards to Marc on a regular basis and I snail mail them to him at the Colosseum. As he reads them he is brought closer to me and to us and our life here at home. They collect all over his hotel room until he packs them up to take them home. If you are not a writer, you need not worry. It is not the words that you jot down on the page that matter so much as the intention you put into them. You don’t even have to mail them or ever show them in fact. The effect on you will be the same.


I will give you another secret. Just connect with how you feel and the words will come all by themselves, slowly at first but with more ease in time. It used to take me a whole day to write a blog and now the words flow quite freely. Practice makes perfect and every step bring us closer to our destination.






This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you!


Bianca Pittoors & Marc Langis are Bianca Basso. Creators of original vintage music, they are distinctive in their contemporary style.

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